Q. How do I transfer / migrate my Joomla site from my old Host (or PC) to another Host ?


A. Use Akeeba to back up your site and restore it with Kickstart as per the following instructions .



If your Host's Control Panel has a provision for installing Joomla

Use that to install Joomla on your site and then overwrite the folders/files and database tables with kickstart. That should give Joomla ownership.

Then make a note of the database details that are in the configuration.php file and delete all the folders/files from the server. 

If not then create a database and database user.


  1. Use Akeeba to backup your site http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/access-a-security/backup/1606
  2. Set it to save the site in .jpa format
  3. Download kickstart and unzip on your PC http://www.akeebabackup.com/download/kickstart-241/index.html
  4. Upload the .jpa file and kickstart.php.
  5. Point your browser at http://yoursite.com/kickstart.php

When you restore with kickstart

  • Tick Use FTP.
  • Tick Restore file/directory permissions (JPA archives only).
  • Fill in your FTP details.
  • Set Initial Directory /www or /public_html
  • Click start and wait for the files to copy
  • Then follow the instructions on the screen
  • Fill in the Database details
  • Ignore the FTP layer info screen .. just click next
  • Fill in site name email and password
  • Follow the instruction to delete the installation details and restore the .htaccess file.
  • It may be neccesary to edit the .htaccess file to fit your new servers configuration.



Additional information :

If you have problems with permissions after installing your backup then read Ownerships and Permissions.



Additional information :