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- Hits: 22912
Q. Why am I getting a JFolder:: error when I try to install an extension ?
A. There are several causes for JFolder:: errors, these include:
- Joomla has Ownership of the files and the Joomla FTP layer, in Global Configuration, is set to On. (JFolder::create: Could not create directory usualy indicates this error).
- You have the wrong FTP Username and password saved in your Joomla Global configuration menu.
- You have no FTP Username and password saved in your Joomla Global configuration menu and have not entered it into the fields on the Joomla Upload and Install screen.
- You have followed the the security advice and placed the config file (with a different name) and not saved the FTP Username and password in it.
- Your Joomla crashed while doing something and the server automatically assigned it a different user group.
- You did not input the FTP Username/Password (or mistyped it) when installing Joomla and the server automatically assigned it a different user group.
- You have the wrong temp path defined in Global configuration (JFolder::create: Infinite loop detected usualy indicates this fault).
Do not change the folders from 755, or files from 644, to 777
(The configuration.php file should be 444)
The CHMOD permissions are set for User, Group and Other.
When Joomla has Ownership it can use the permissions set for User.
That means Joomla can Read, Write and Execute files.
Without Ownership, Joomla can not write to files.
- --
- Look at Joomla admin >>>> Help >>> System info ... Directory permissions Tab .... if the directories are writeable set the Joomla FTP layer, in Global Configuration, to Off. (Check this before you try the other solutions). Joomla 1.5
- Look at Joomla admin >>>> Site >>> System info ... Directory permissions Tab .... if the directories are writeable set the Joomla FTP layer, in Global Configuration, to Off. (Check this before you try the other solutions). Joomla 2.5
- --
- Look at Joomla admin >>>> Help >>> System info ... Directory permissions Tab .... if the directories are not writeable set the Joomla FTP layer, in Global Configuration, to On, check the FTP username and retype the password. Joomla 1.5
- Look at Joomla admin >>>> Site >>> System info ... Directory permissions Tab .... if the directories are not writeable set the Joomla FTP layer, in Global Configuration, to On, check the FTP username and retype the password. Joomla 2.5
- Put the FTP username and password in your Joomla Global configuration menu.
- Manualy edit your configuration file with the correct FTP info and make sure the save FTP details variable is set on.
- Contact your Host and explain what is happening, they can reset the server-side permissions.
- Same as Solution 4, or (if it is a new installation) perform a Clean install.
- Edit the temp path defined in Global configuration. (can also be edited in the configuration.php file).
[May also apply to JFTP::store: Bad response and JFTP::mkdir: Bad response.
Additional information :
- Set ownerships and permissions
- If you can not save the Global Configuration then manualy edit your configuration.
- Getting JFolder Create error when installing module
- jfolder joomla
- jfolder error
- JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: D:\wamp\www\SIT
- If you still experience problems use the Forum Post assistant to post for help in the Joomla forum.
The Forum Post Assistant (FPA) script has been developed to assist forum posters to be able to post relevant system, instance, PHP and troubleshooting information directly in to a pre-formatted forum post. This will save a few hours of posting back and forth, asking for, and explaining how to acquire useful information in order for other forum users to help troubleshoot a problem.
This process also means that consistent information is gathered and presented in every case, enabling helpers to quickly target information relevant to the specific problem observed by the user.
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- Hits: 23241
Q. I have just installed Joomla but it does not work, why not ?
A. There are several reasons that prevent a new installation from working including:
- Your Host's CP has a Joomla install link and you did not use it.
- You uploaded the Joomla Files/Folders in the folder containing them and not just the Files/Folders themselves. And you are pointing your browser at the wrong directory.
- The installation folder has not been renamed or deleted.
- The configuration.php-dist file has not been renamed to configuration.php.
- The configuration.php has not been edited correctly or not edited with a plain text editor.
- The Sample data was not installed.
- The FTP layer was not enabled during installation.
(If this is your first time at installing Joomla on a remote server and you have tried correcting the errors in 1-4. Or even tried reinstalling with the Sample data to No Avail, then try the following).
Delete all the Files/Folders on the remote server, if any files or folders will not delete then contact your Host. They will be able to reset the permissions. Drop all the Tables in your database.
- If your Host's CP has a Joomla install link, use that to install Joomla.
- If your Host's CP FTP allows unzipping files on the server then upload the Joomla instalation zip file and unzip on your server.
Open your browser and enter your sites URL.
At the FTP Configuration screen just click next. At the next screen fill in the required information and install the sample data.
At the Finish screen (before you go any further) re-open your FTP client and delete your installation folder.
Return to your browser and finish the installation.
- If your Hosts CP does not have a Joomla install or does not allow unzipping on the server
Unzip the Joomla zip file on your PC.
Upload the Joomla Files/Folders (not the folder that contains them) to your remote server.
Create a blank configuration.php with a plain text editor, upload it to your Joomla root directory (the one that contains the configuration.php-dist file). Then CHMOD it 777
Open your browser to your site (and directory if you put the Joomla Files/Folders in a sub directory), and follow the instructions.
At the FTP Configuration screen set Enable FTP file system layer Yes. And in the Advanced settings, set Save FTP Password Yes. Replace with www.yoursitename.com in the FTP Host box. And enter your FTP user/password.
Click Autofind Path, if the FTP does not connect then enter the path in manualy and click check settings. the path could star with a forward slash / or /www or /public_html
At the Main Configuration screen install the Sample Data.
At the Finish screen (before you go any further) re-open your FTP client and delete your installation folder. Then CHMOD your configuration.php file 444
Return to your browser and finish the installation.
For further information on installing Joomla
For further information on installing Joomla
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- Hits: 24147
Q. The SEO SEF settings Joomla Global configuration are set to Yes but my links do not work. Why not ?
A. Your .htaccess file is not configured correctly or you have not renamed the htaccess.txt file.
(please note that Cache must be No in Joomla Global Configuration, System to see changes immediately).
- Rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess if you have not already done so and test the links on your site.
- If the links still do not work correctly then uncomment, #RewriteBase / by removing the #
## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
Options +FollowSymLinks
# mod_rewrite in use
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /(joomla folder if not in the root)
- Sometimes the Options +FollowSymLinks causes errors so may needed to be comented out
## Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above.
#Options +FollowSymLinks
# mod_rewrite in use
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /(joomla folder if not in the root)
Additional information :
- If neither of the above configurations work then try with both #RewriteBase / and #Options +FollowSymLinks
- Check the System - SEF plugin is Enabled.
- If Joomla does not have Ownership of the files then SEF might not work correctly.
- Apache mod_rewrite Yes allows URL's to display without index.php showing.
- To have html appended to the end of the URL, set Add suffix to URLs Yes. (works whatever the Host's mod_rewrite settings).
- To shorten the URL, make the Alias of Menu items short and un-hyphenated.
Joomla SEO SEF Search Engine Friendly
SEO SEF and IIS and web.config
IIS6 and SEF SEO URLs using Joomla 1.5x
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- Hits: 16684
Q. Can I install sample data after I have installed Joomla ?
A. Yes.
- Unzip the 1.5.17 Full Package on your PC
- Browse to the joomla.sql file (Joomla_x.xx/installation/sql/mysql/sample_data.sql)
- Open sample_data.sql
- Search #__ replace with jos_(or your table prefix)
N.B. #__ is two underscores. - Save in plain text format
- Open your Joomla's Database with phpMyAdmin
- Import your edited sample_data.sql
Further reading: joomla install sample data Unzip Full Package Beginners
Install mysql Test (Sample) Data Generators
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- Hits: 18808
Q. How do I transfer / migrate my Joomla site from my old Host (or PC) to another Host ?
A. Use Akeeba to back up your site and restore it with Kickstart as per the following instructions .